My 12 month old cat had calicivorus 4 months ago was ok with Revolution but did not kill the fleas tried comfortis and had a bad reaction. Just used Revolution a week ago for earmites is it safe to use the advantage multi on him now without a bad reaction
You can use Revolution and Advantage Multi together as they have different active ingredients.
By 45Lojoon 02 Jan 2017
Why does Advocate multi cost more as Advantage purple if they are the same thing?
They are not the same thing. "Advantage Multi" is the same thing with Advocate which covers fleas, heartworm, lungworm and other intestinal worms. "Advantage" only covers fleas.
By Jandscycleson 13 May 2016
why is advantage multi called a cream ? they just applied it at my vet but it wasn't a cream ...
Hi Liz, You are right, it is not really a cream. It is small amount of liquid.
By Lizlas99on 06 Apr 2016
Can I use combo of Frontline with this to treat against ticks and flea larvae
Yes you can use product with Frontline at the same time.